Trademark drawings help to illustrate distinct features such as its design, color, and shape. They can also help to show how the trademark is used in different contexts, such as on products or in advertising materials. We can help you safeguard your intellectual property, prevent others from using your name or logo without permission, and avoid potential legal battles down the line.
Is this your first trademark?
Here’s IPI’s word of advice for beginners.
If you’re an individual or business that is brand new to the patent world and want to protect your brand, we highly recommend seeking out the guidance of a patent attorney. They can help you through the complicated patent application process, ensure that your drawings are accurate, and identify potential issues or objections that may arise when filing.
See below the files and additional information that can speed up the process for your trademark patent drawings.
Files We Can Use
We accept following formats:
CAD files / Solid Models
.STP files
Inventor (.IPT or .ASM)
Solidworks (.SLDASM or SLDPRT) files
Vector Drawings (.SVG, .EPS and .AI)
Additional Information
Please provide any of the following information if applicable:
Office Action for replacement sheets
Copy of drawings as filed if replacement sheets
The countries in which you will be filing
Specify claimed vs.unclaimed matter
Filing deadline or need-by date
Other services
Check out other ways to protect how your inventions work and look.
Utility Patents
We provide a wide range of utility drawings like basic flowcharts, complex schematic diagrams and mechanical drawings. With our meticulous proofreading, we can make sure every reference number is accounted for.
Our team of highly skilled and creative design patent illustrators can help you bring your inventions and ideas to life as well as correct inconsistencies from rejected drawings from the US Patent Office or international filings.